Digital Intake Tool
96,5% adequate bowel preparation rate: meeting the requirements of the CRC screening program.
98.8% of participant were satisfied with the information provided in the DIT
Implementing the DIT approach will decrease the burden for patients and healthcare systems, and increase outpatient capacity
Current situation
Care Facility
Space occupancy
employ healthcare professional
Physical out-patient clinic visit
Travel- , parking costs
Take time off from work
With the Digital Intake Tool
Time for other care / patients
space available for other care / patients
Healtcare profesionals available for other care
Billable healthcare product
Saves an out-patient clinic visit
Saves travel and time
Schedule in your own time
Saves travel and parking costs
Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS)
Stress reduction
Anxiety reduction
98,8% of patients are satisfied
95,4% would recommend it to peers
More information
Our case study